Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Why can't everyone just take a breather?

Some lecturers just like to throw their weight around. For instance, we students are supposed to come to a lesson venue 5 minutes early and if we had a lesson before that, the teacher is supposed to release us 5 minutes before the period. Well, to the point then, one lecturer made us stay back that 5 minutes and said that it was only fair as we had arrived late at the venue. HEY.. NOW WAIT A MINUTE! This would then create a domino effect as we students would then be late for the following lesson if we had one, and we would get the same treatment. For all you know, for the first lesson of the day, the students turned up bright and early but the teacher released them late, resulting in this chain of complaints from all the teachers with whom the students have lessons with. Now, who do you think is the bud of the problem?

Alright, a rather tiring and exhausting week is going to end, leaving us less and less time for us to prepare for the coming mid-term exams as well as the important year end exams. Going out to all students, do start your studies as early as possible and if you have any queries on any topic, ask the teacher for help. Study now or risk getting a mind block when doomsday draws nearer..

I wonder, if one should have this sort of classroom environment where one need not come to school and instead rely on Internet conferencing? With this, students can do their self study and teachers can mark their assignments and return it to them through email. This way, more time can be spent by students in studying. If one is not disciplined, aha, then that's the problem. Then back to the normal way of learning you do. This thought occured to me because if one is sure of the topic, one need not waste more time attending the lecture. If any queries, email lthe teacher who is more then willing to answer it. There really should be such an option in education. Note: What I am describing is not similar to private candidates taking examinations; one has the guidance of a teacher.

Au reviour for now! :)

Monday, February 18, 2008

New thought tidbits for the hungry and curious mind

I am so psyched to start my studies.. Cannot wait for the tests wto come around..

Biology is a real interesting subject to take up. Did you know that having six fingers is the dorminant characteristic in humans? That means we are all recessive! Imagine if all of us have six fingers.. Although it would mean extra resources when it comes to making gloves for the people, we would be very good sportsmen and sportswomen. In softball and baseball, the addition of that extra digit increases the adrenaline rush of the sport as the pitcher would now be able to throw a variety of spins that would affect the ball's direction. Another dramtic benefit would be in the world of music. More fingers, a greater myriad of music scores played with ease. Being a avid piano player, I won't mind having that extra digits to help reach those ever so far notes at the other end of the keyboard..

Economics is not that a boring subject, although most students' eyelids start to droop at the mere mention of the subject. Demand affect supply, crcular flow of income, ceteris paribus etc. Well, one must say that today's world revolves around economists as they are able to foresee impending disasters in the economy or potential booms on a international scale.

Chemistry.. Ahh.. Yes.. The one subject that one must conquer so as to support one's posed photograph pouring coloured liquids from one test tube to the other. Reactions, reagents, conditions, substances and precipitates.. My, do these terms make your mind swirl?? Not to fear, study them day and night, and they will become part of you.

Last but definitely not the least, mathematics, the subject that applies most to today's society lest one wishes to accept the change of ten cents after paying for ana item that cost the same amount. Binomial and probability and so fun, just formulas and lots of concentration needed for one to excel in this intriguing subject. The tutorials really do help in one's understanding of the topic and don't be shy to approach others for assistance if one is lost among the numbers.

Friends, what can I say about them? All sorts of sizes with different personalities to match. They really do help one to pull through dark times as well as to bask in the joy of achievement. There was this one instance where I felt that nothing seems to be going right, and a friend told me that it was merely a passing phase which everyone went through so don's dwell on it. Move on! A word of advice to all, be it a poor exam result or a broken heart, do take care of yourself and learn to accept that this is fate. One cannot change the past so one should work on changing the future! Even though one's mind may wander to that painful past, one can always call up a friend for a chat to ease the pain.

So, here I am, hoping to start life anew by devoting student life to that of what a student does best. Study and Score in examinations!!!

Excuse me now while I look through my 'everything file ' for my notes.. :P


Stretch, get up now
Come on you night owl
Hurry hurry
Or the bus will scurry
Oh no, just remembered
LOL, the day is Saturday!

Hey guys, do feel free to give me topics to write poems! Cheers!